Data Protection Notice

When you visit our website, we won’t collect any personal data about you.

The following information are collected in so called logfiles:

  • IP-address oft he website visitor
  • Date and time of the respective visit
  • Requested Url
  • Next URL (if any)
  • Browser identification

This information is used only for statistical purposes in anonymous form.Any other use of this information or any transfer to third parties does not take place.

When opening individual pages, so-called "temporary cookies" are used to ease navigation. These temporary cookies do not include any personal data and shall lapse after termination of the session.

You can contact us directly via the contact-, registration- and application forms that are provided on or via this website.

We collect, process and use the information you provide us with exclusively for handling your respective request.

You are entitled upon request to receive information about the personal data which are stored about you free of charge.